
Veg Love Vault

Ready to connect with high quality veg singles without the dating apps?

  • A yearly subscription is only $16.58 per month!
  • Opportunity to get Introduced to my clients (people who go through my various programs)
  • Vegan Cupid will review your profile and give you honest feedback to set you up for success
  • FREE access to your first Online Matchmaking Event - these paid events take place monthly
  • Guide: How To Prepare For An Online Mixer (valuable tips to set you up for success)
  • Access to monthly "Ask Vegan Cupid" zoom sessions (available only to subscribers)
  • 50% off my Online Dating Workshops
  • Get exclusive subscriber discounts & special invites

Private Coaching

Feeling frustrated and unsure why you're still single when you don’t want to be?

Struggling to move on from the past?

Not sure if you're truly ready to dive back into dating?

Need guidance on how to put yourself out there and meet new people?

With over a decade of experience coaching thousands of

individuals, I’m here to help!

Cost: $150 USD per session

Once payment is received, I’ll send you a link to schedule a time on my calendar.


Online Mixers - Come meet REAL Veg Singles, no fake profiles, promise

  • Monthly Zoom Mixers / Matchmaking Events exclusively for Veg Love Vault Subscribers.
  • These paid events are not grouped by age or location, it's open to all - I promise you it works!
  • Fun way to meet high quality veg singles from the comfort of your home, without using a dating app
  • Interested in connecting with anyone? Email me and I will share your profile with them!


Sharing my knowledge and industry expertise with others is a privilege and an honor. Over the years, I have given educational presentations on business topics ranging from leadership and employee engagement to financial strategies and investment opportunities. Motivational speaking is another passion of mine, and every talk is tailored specifically to the audience.

Questions? Schedule a FREE call with Vegan Cupid

Get a Listing of Veg Singles Delivered To Your Inbox Every Month, Upcoming Events, and More!